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Student Services

Drive student services at Ascend.


Learn about Ascend’s special education services, and apply to join our growing team of special educators.


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Teach special education at Ascend and get tuition reimbursement.

Ascend will fully reimburse full-time staff enrolled in the advanced certificate in special education program at Relay Graduate School of Education. Read our reimbursement policy to learn more.


Read our policy



Our approach to special education


Ascend believes all students deserve a college-preparatory education regardless of their individual needs.

To complement Ascend’s unique warm and supportive cultural model, Ascend schools provide a variety of specific supports and services to ensure that English language learners and our students with disabilities make academic and social-emotional gains every year, from kindergarten through grade 12. We offer intervention for both reading and math, supplemental evidence-based instruction, a longer school year, and social emotional support. We use a tiered system of intervention to ensure our students make academic and social gains within the classroom. Our team looks at the unique needs of each child to determine the most appropriate supports and services.

We seek to build a team of enthusiastic, self-motivated special education teachers who are excited to engage with students and their families. Our Tier 3 programs—including our SETSS and ICT models—provide students with the targeted supports they need to drive academic and social gains in our special needs populations. Each grade at every Ascend school is served by at least one ICT classroom. With targeted, ongoing special education professional development, we will train and support you every step of the way, providing you with the tools, resources, and coaching you need to reach your highest potential and to help you support the students who need it most.

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Student services program overview


Read more about Ascend’s program to support special education students and English language learners.

  • A set of services provided to support student success in the general education classroom. These services can include speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and counseling.

  • Provides appropriate modifications and accommodations to support success in the general education program.

  • A service through which students with disabilities are educated in the general education setting with small group pull-out and push-in support. SETSS provides students with the opportunity to receive targeted and individualized support while remaining in the general education setting.

  • Students with disabilities who receive ICT services are educated with age-appropriate peers in the general education classroom with the full-time support of a special education teacher throughout the day to assist in adapting and modifying instruction. The general education students also benefit from smaller group instruction throughout the day.

  • In our ENL program, students receive full-immersion, general education instruction in English, with supplemental English as a second language push in and pull out instruction.

Join a team committed to meeting the needs of all students.


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